Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Here's my heart, blogger world

I hesitated to write this, but when we know we are completely loved just as we are, why not, right? I'm sure this will be a little long...

All the Campus Outeach staff went to Minneapolis this past weekend to a John Piper conference on endurance. Some speakers and their themes were: Jerry Bridges (spending time with God and reminding ourselves of the gospel), Randy Alcorn (what you will be tomorrow is determined by choices you make today), John McAuthur (Jesus is our master and we are his slaves), Helen Roseveare (there is no quitting until we cross the finish line) and of course John Piper (there is no American dream and retirement for Christians).

Well, to those of you who don't know, I have not spent time with God in 3 1/2 years (minus about 10 times, as to not exaggerate). I had a friend ask me when I told them that this weekend, "you mean in the classic way?" and I shook my head no. He said, "not at all?", I shook my head no, "you just didn't do it?", again, no. He said, "How have you survived?" My only answer is the sweet grace of God, who gently leads those with young. I really believe that. I quit when I was in my first trimester with Bailey because I was so tired, and have never recovered. My life has become a series of small choices (mostly to take a nap or take care of other things around the house) that have added up to not knowing where my Bible is most of the time. I never thought I would say that. I did not think that would be possible. I remember at first the feelings of guilt and legalism, but through Bailey's birth God showed me his deep love for me as his daughter. I guess I am thankful that my motivation has not been legalistic, but it would have been nice to have some stronger motivation than that quiet voice that says, "come spend time with me, I'll give you rest." And it is so easy in my heart to say "I don't believe you and I'm too tired," and off I go to take a nap. He is so sweet that He lets me sleep anyway. I know that not once have I felt that he has left me or been mad at me.

The word of God that I hid in my heart long ago seems like a vague memory to me most days. It seems so vast and the times I wanted to open it, I felt like I didn't know where to start. I know truth, I feel like I live by Biblical principles and know God is there, but the verses I used to know are a fog in my head somewhere. Prayer has become something I try to remember to do most of the time. It was so good to sit in truth (hard, strong truth) this weekend and have those verses start filling my head again. I started evaluating my life over the last few years and saw so much. It was good though, not overwhelming.

The major thing that God has been putting his finger on for the last months, and strongly in this conference is my love for my children. I love them way too much, more than Him. And I don't trust Him with them. Not their salvation, but their lives here. I am way too afraid that they will have to go through some great pain if I release them to Him and put them on the altar (like I have a choice what they will go through or if I will be there). My mind knows intellectually that He will do as He pleases regardless, but my heart says hold on to them. The thought of specific situations that I imagine where I picture them in pain (especially Bailey, I guess because she's older) cause me great pain, almost unbearable, as I'm sure any mother can relate to. My problem is that my love for their security is greater than my love for Jesus. I remember when I was single, and so authentically said, "anytime, anywhere, anything Lord!" and I meant it. I think those words now, and can only say, "I can't say that anymore God", and I can't even want to say it for fear of what that might mean. They are so precious and dear, and I leave their rooms at night and my heart aches for their protection and that God won't put us in some place or situation where they won't be safe. To clarify, my fear is not of them dying from being sick. I think I could handle that, at least in my imagination, although it would be very painful. It is them being taken from me, or being in some place in the world where I have to watch them be hurt for Christ, physically, or imagining in this conference during the talks, what if I had to take a stand and let my children be hurt in order to not deny Christ? I picture their terror and my heart aches. And my heart just wants to be comfortable, to live this safe, daily American life where we go to church, and run errands, and play with our friends and I know they won't be in those situations. Is it wrong to live this way? I don't think so if we serve Christ where we are, and our hearts are yielded to Him in our tomorrows. But I know that mine is not, and until I can give them to Him, there is a barrier that hardens my heart against Him, and is sin. It is almost impossible to think of following him right now if it means their pain. I thought of an example in the conference, and it helped me. I remembered those children in the holocaust who were ripped from their parents, underwent innumerable tortures, and ended up in old age walking with God and joyful. And I thought, God IS capable of taking their pains, regardless of whether Duane and I are with them, and giving them joy and peace even in this life. He can bring something from nothing. Anything is possible with Him. But there is a great work to be done in my heart yet. I don't know what it will look like or how long it will take to replace them in my heart with Him.

The other issue I am becoming well aware of, is the way that I live my faith out in front of my daughter (and son, he is just too young). I hear the things I say sometimes, whether teaching her or in discipline, and I think, "How long will it be before she sees through me?", that these things are true in my intellect but not so truthfully lived out, not in the closeness of a deep relationship with Jesus that keeps it from being just religion. Giving in to my flesh almost constantly, establishing my will and battling for it as a default, a superficial love for Jesus, a lack of spending time in His word, poor character when no one but her and a friend are listening. It makes my heart sad, and I want a fast fix, but I know it can only be hammered out in reestablishing my heart in His Word.

And the gospel...I live my days at home in my neighborhood and on those few days at work like no one is perishing. We had a talk before the conference by a CO director, that life is for keeps and there are no do-overs. I live my life like none of that is real anymore, and the people that are lost around me are fine, even though I am certain it is all very real. Yet it does not lead me to action. I realized during the weekend as I was thinking about all this, that I used to target people that I wanted to spend time with, and pray for them. That seems so simple, but I have somehow forgotten to be deliberate and trust God to do a work through me. It seems so nebulous sometimes, there are so many that I work with, but I reminded myself that I only have to start with a couple, one girl in particular that I think of from Brazil that is my friend.

Of some encouragement, I thought of the things that have changed in my life over those 3 1/2 years, and I know because of that He remains with me and is still finishing His work. I think He has taught me how to be a better friend, to care, and to love past hurts and sin. I want to serve people who are walking through things I have been through because I know how hard it can be, especially being a mom and the daily sacrifices that come with that. I know in a way that I could have not known before that there is not an easy fix for the things we go through as we walk with God (i.e. a spiritual desert), even if we know the right answers. Sometimes our flesh can be so strong, and I am glad for the extra compassion that I have seen Him grow in my heart.

I guess I will end by saying, please pray for me. These things may sound like I'm doing horrible, but I'm not. I feel like I am in a good place, and I need prayer to make those small daily choices to pursue Him and His word. It is so easy to revert to old habits. I will publish this before I want to erase it all:)


Jessie said...

Kim, thanks for sharing your heart. And I think you are right on really, what most moms feel most days. I remind myself that this really IS a season. To have two little people demanding virtually everything from you all day long, well, there is nothing like it. I am glad that you feel freedom to be where you are - and take heart - preschool/mom's morning out will start soon - and you'll have a quiet time 2X a week! :)

Seriously, though, I also have been convicted about holding my children to covenant faithfulness, when I am not being covenantally faithful myself. All I know to do is pray pray pray for the Lord to change me and make me more His own - thankfully, as you said, he is gracious to us in this time, and never leaves us or stops making us more like His Son!

Thanks again, for sharing!

Kari said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. It's always hard to be that honest and I'm glad you didn't erase it. I will be praying for you.

katie said...

kim... first let me say that i miss you and your family, and our family at grace so very much - especially after reading this. honesty like yours is the reason ben and i fell in love with grace to begin with - the people were REAL and i am reminded of that again as i read your post... i echo everything you said, and because you were brave enough to say it - i am now realizing just how much i love my child, and how little I love Christ at times - and it hurts... but there is grace! amazing grace... and i will be praying for you - please do the same for me.
hope to visit soon-
katie compton

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim. So many of the things that you shared ring incredibly true with me. This season of my life has been frustrating at times b/c I do know truth and yet I choose not to walk in it. Being a mommy is wonderful, but it is challenging b/c it makes me really analyze who I am and who my daughter will know me to be. I feel that the Lord has been drawing me as well. There is something refreshing about having all the formalities of my faith pealed back. I honestly believe that the Lord is showing me that He is so much more that what I have tried to make Him be. You don't sound like you feel defeated and I am so glad. It is so encouraging to see you embrace the season in which you're walking and to know and believe that the Lord is active even when we seem to just be "coasting". Thank you so much for your honesty. It is often easy to feel as if I am the only one who struggles with anything. I will remember you in my own prayers.
Amy (Jones) Kilpatrick
Lamentations 3:22-23

Tori said...

Kim, thank you for not deleting!!! Thank you for sharing your heart and being so real about how you feel. I think holding my kids in an open hand to our Father is the HARDEST thing I've ever had to do. I completely understand what you are saying when you talk about that horrible feeling you get when you even think about something happening to them. I, like you, can tell myself that He is in control, but then fear what that might mean. I'm thankful that He has promised that His grace is sufficient when we need it....I've seen it! I know you know it to. Thanks again for sharing your heart. It is a great encouragement to see God working!!!

Parks Avenue said...

You know you're one of my favorite people, mainly because what you see is what you get! I love to hear what the Lord lays upon your heart. I'm also very thankful that we can walk through this portion of our lives together and encourage one another as we learn to be better wives, mothers, sisters, and friends. Thank goodness that the Lord doesn't leave us where we are, but lavishes us with sweet grace and gently draws us back to Himself!

Danny and Jennifer White said...

Thanks Kim,
I am so glad you can be so honest. You are not alone. I definitely will pray. You have encouraged me more than you know!

Anonymous said...


thank you for writing what you did. Though I don't have children yet, your struggle definitely rang true with me. To spare you from having to read a really long comment, let me end with this: LET'S TALK!


Kristin said...

thanks, kim... i know it took a lot to post that. know that i could relate to parts of all of it, and i know God wanted to encourage me by your words. i just checked in to see what was going on in your world... not expecting to find "your heart" posted there for all to see!

i call those times when i haven't been spending time with Him "running on grace fumes..." that's really what i feel like happens! His grace is sustaining and oh, so sweet...

love you, friend.

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

Hey Kim.. long time.. this is Rachel "Cook" Garcia.. i was on SBP '97 with you, if you remember way back when.

First, let me say how beautiful your kids are. Absolutely adorable. Second, can I just tell you how encouraging it is to read this post. I think you have "flipped the lid" on what every Christian mom doesn't want to admit to, or even acknowledge. It reminds me of Paul's heads up to the singles desiring marriage, "our devotion is divided" (huge paraphrase here-1 Cor 7:35) I heard John Piper call it "divided affections." That hit home to me. I know my attention is divided, but more so my affections. I appreciate your honesty to talk about something that so many people struggle with. And you are right...its a season. But one thing that is hard for me to acknowledge, let alone do, is the actual first step in sacrificing the things I enjoy for the One that I yearn to enjoy. in reflection on my own "desert wanderings" there comes a point, not out of legalism, but out of sheer determination to turn the t.v off, or the internet or stay up that 20 minutes extra before going to bed.. and then by doing that act you begin to fan the flame...and before you know it, you are exactly where you long to be.

anyhoo..you did some major encouraging through this post.. i look forward to other ones you write!