God has been providing so many things as we are getting ready for the baby in November, the KIND of things that I have wanted.
This is Owen's (and eventually Seth's) newly redone room! If you remember about a year ago, I traded an antique dresser and nightstand for a HUGE bunk bed, but it practically took up the whole room. With the baby coming I have to be able to fit a crib for Seth in there too and there wasn't enough drawer space for both boys. So, long story short, after over a month on Craigslist, someone finally bought that bunk bed, and we were able to buy a brand new bunk bed and dresser for only $150 more! There is plenty of room for the crib and train table, and I love the furniture.
I had also been looking for a cabinet to store all our homeschooling (that's another story)/craft/puzzles/etc. Everything I looked for was $300+ that had doors and would hold enough. Well, thanks to Jeffrey and Jessica we have these new cabinets that they gave us when they moved and I painted them white and I am so happy with how they turned out (except for the brown strip on each that I have to paint that I thought was going to be hidden).
I had been wanting an infant carrier that goes up to 30-35 pounds and had been looking for one (new they are about $200). Anyway, there was one like it for $50 that I found. I was so excited and it's in great condition!
Then I wanted a crib mattress just like the one I've had for the other babies, it's really hard foam and no one really carries this kind in the stores except one in Pensacola. Another great find on Craigslist, wrapped in plastic and never used by the kid for $50!
Probably the sweetest one was this bedding in Target that I had wanted before I knew that Seth was a boy. I loved it immediately and was disappointed that I couldn't get it. Well, the day that we found out that this baby was a girl we were in Target buying goggles, and I just went to see if they by chance still had it. Well, there was ONE left, and it was on clearance for $12! I felt like the Lord had saved it just for me. It is just perfect.
Well, I just wanted to thank God for His goodness in our lives and His special care of all our wants and needs.