Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Okay, usually Owen is a pretty lively fellow when going to sleep in his crib. He plays for a while, then when he gets quiet I go in and find him in various positions, this morning with his legs through the crib slats. Well, this afternoon, after being especially squeally (I thought, he is really having a good time in there), I let him get quiet and forgot about him for a few minutes. About ten minutes later I remembered and went to check on him, and his blanket was all the way around his head, tight (not around his neck), i mean SNUG and he was asleep breathing in and out really loud. He took a deep breath when I pulled the blanket off. Poor little guy was trying to tell me the whole time. Oh well, at least I know now that babies really can breathe through crochet blankets! In addition, last week he was in his portable swing, and I was having lunch in my kitchen with someone, and had my back turned to him. I haven't been strapping him in because up until now I have found it really hard to believe how a baby could fall out of those bucket swings. Anyway, I heard a small noise which I didn't pay any attention to, but a few minutes later I glanced over, and Owen was on the floor playing on his stomach on the tile! I guess he flipped out, caught himself and decided it was a good change of scenery. Poor second child:) I'm glad all of this didn't happen the first time around.

A funny Bailey story:
In school the other morning, Bailey was having a bad day as far as obedience goes. After being put in time out two other times (which I don't really love the whole time out idea but oh well), they said she disobeyed and then said "I'm going to go get in time out." They said it was hard to follow through when she was so cute.

1 comment:

Parks Avenue said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I'm excited because I get a little addicted when I start reading everyone's, and this just means I have more to look at now!